Board Meeting Highlights - June 26, 2019
Police Recruitment
The Board received a presentation by York Regional Police on the Uniform Recruiting Unit. The Recruiting Unit is located in the YRP Training and Education Facility and handles recruitment of new and experienced Constables, auxiliary and volunteer officers, student cadets and York Region Transit special constables. The Recruiting Unit processes an average of 950 applications annually and hires for various positions. They attend numerous outreach events, community job fairs and work closely with their post-secondary partners to have a strong presence within the community to create awareness and provide information to those interested in joining the police service. The Unit operates under the Constable Selection System which provides guidelines, candidate assessment tools and best practices for the hiring of police constables in Ontario. YRP is relying on its social media presence to recruit future police officers. Police Recruitment presentation
2018 York Regional Police Annual Report
The 2018 Annual Report profiles the objectives, performance indicators and results achieved by the York Regional Police. It includes data on the cost of policing, administration of public complaints, information on community engagement, enforcement statistics and crime statistics and data on the collection of identifying information. 2018 York Regional Police Annual Report.
New Values and Code of Ethics
In preparation for the next business plan, the York Regional Police have updated the vison, values and code of ethics to align with the organizational goals. The new Code of Ethics upholds the highest ethical standards for the organization and reflects and guides the values and daily actions of its members to enhance accountability and public trust within the community. The new values include professionalism, compassion, fairness, courage and respect. New Values and Code of Ethics presentation
2019 Environmental Scan Highlights
The York Regional Police environmental scan highlights crime, calls for service and public disorder trends within the Region. The scan also provides an overview of the internal and external influences and trends that have an impact on the delivery of police services and the safety of the communities. The trends identified are demographic and social trends, crime trends and calls for service, police resources, emerging police trends and a changing public safety environment. The environmental scan is an essential component of the business planning process as it identifies, analyzes and monitors environmental factors that can influence the delivery of policing services in the future. 2019 Environmental Scan Highlights
Next Police Services Board Meeting
Wednesday, September 25, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. Location: Committee Room A, York Region Administrative Centre, 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket.
Contact: Mafalda Avellino, Executive Director, or 1-877-464-9675 ext. 77906.
The Regional Municipality of York Police Services Board is a seven-member civilian Board that oversees and governs the York Regional Police and is comprised of one member as Head of Municipal Council, three members are appointed by resolution of Regional Council and three by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario.
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