Conference Attendance And Travel Expense Policy
Policy No: 02/11
Date Approved: November 22, 2000
Dates Amended: September 28, 2011; September 20, 2017
1. Application
The Conference Attendance and Travel Expense Policy applies to Board members and Board staff.
2. Purpose
This policy establishes guidelines for attendance, travel, eligible expenses and reimbursement of expenses incurred as a result of Board members and Board staff attending functions related to their duties.
3. Principles/Guidelines
- 3.1 Sufficient monies will be allocated annually to the Police Services Board budget to allow Board members and Board staff to attend the annual conferences of the Ontario Association of Police Services Boards, the Canadian Association of Police Governance, and other relevant conferences, as the Board deems appropriate.
- 3.2 The most practical and economical arrangements for conference registration/ attendance, travel, meals and accommodations shall be made.
- 3.3 To facilitate the sharing of information, members will provide a verbal report about highlights of the conference at the next scheduled Police Services Board meeting.
4. Approval Process
- 4.1 The Chair of the Police Services Board will have the authority to approve the attendance of any person covered by this policy at any conference, meeting, seminar and training session deemed to be in the interest of the Police Services Board provided the funds are available in the budgeted account.
5. Travel Arrangements
- 5.1 Board members may make their own travel arrangements. All fares should be booked at an economy-class rate.
- 5.2 Board staff will book hotel accommodations and register members.
- 5.3 Board members are responsible for making their own arrangements for companion programs at conferences at no expense to the Board.
6. Eligible Expenses
Approval and reimbursement of travel expense claims will be in accordance with the following procedures:
- 6.1 The cost of purchasing travel medical insurance is allowable with appropriate receipts.
6.2 The maximum coverage will be the premium for single coverage for the actual number of days on business.
6.3 The cost of travel insurance will not be reimbursed.
6.4 When combining personal travel with Board business travel, Board members will be reimbursed only for the portion of the travel costs that relate to business travel.
6.5 Board Members and Board staff shall be reimbursed for any amount reasonably spent on meals while on Board business to a maximum of $75.00 per day. Requests for reimbursement must be accompanied by receipts.
- 6.6 Hotel accommodations shall be reimbursed at a single occupancy rate for a standard room in the conference hotel at the conference rate, if available, or standard accommodation in another hotel at an equivalent or lower cost, original receipts required.
6.7 Reimbursement for air or rail travel will be made at the economy-class rate.
6.8 If a Board member or Board staff chooses to drive their personal vehicle to a conference, kilometre reimbursement will be provided up to and no greater than the cost of an economy-class airplane ticket and the cost of ground transportation to and from the airport.
6.9 Should a Board member or Board staff use their own vehicle for travel to and from a meeting or event, kilometre reimbursement will be provided in accordance with the rate determined by York Region at that time.
6.10 Parking and ground transportation charges to and from the airport, train or bus stations, costs to or from a terminal and roadway tolls charges will be reimbursed. Transponder fees do not qualify for reimbursement. Original receipts required.
6.11 The Board will reimburse the cost of purchasing travelers cheques and currency conversion charges with appropriate receipts. All expense claims shall be submitted in Canadian funds.
7. Ineligible Expenses
- 7.1 There shall be no reimbursement of expenses for regularly scheduled monthly Board Meetings.
- 7.2 There shall be no reimbursement of expenses incurred by those excluded by this policy, including the families and friends of Board members and Board staff.
- 7.3 There shall be no reimbursement for any personal loss of property that may occur while traveling on behalf of the Police Services Board.
- 7.4 Board members must pay for their own expenses related to social events not included in the conference registration fee, such as Golf Tournaments.
- 7.5 If meals are provided at the event, no meal allowance shall be made in accordance with this policy.
- 7.6 Charges for alcoholic beverages will not be reimbursed.
- 7.7 Incidental expenses on hotel bills such as movie rentals and dry cleaning will not be reimbursed.
8. Reimbursement Process
- 8.1 It is the responsibility of the Board member or Board staff to complete, sign and submit the Person Expense Claim Form (as appended) to receive reimbursement. Complete Section A and/ or B as applicable and submit to Board staff for approval by the Chair, or in the absence of the Chair, the Vice Chair. A Board member or Board staff of the Police Services Board cannot approve his or her own expense claims.
- 8.2 Attach original receipts in support of expense claims.
- 8.3 Provide explanations for unusual circumstances which have incurred additional expenses.
- 8.4 For expenses to be reimbursed in a timely manner please ensure the following:
- The Personal Expense Claim Form is signed, includes receipts and is submitted to the Board Office within 21 working days of the completion of travel.
9. Conference Account Monitoring and Reporting
- 9.1 The Conference, Meetings, Seminars and Training Accounts are reported to the Board in the monthly Financial Statements Report.
10. Auditing Requirements
10.1 Reimbursements for travel expenses and other business-related expenses are subject to examination by internal and external auditors, including Revenue Canada.
- 10.2 If reimbursement expenses are subsequently found not to comply with this policy, the Board member or Board staff will be required to repay such amounts to the Police Services Board.