Adequacy Standards
Hate Propaganda and Hate/Bias Motivated Crimes Policy
Policy No. 04/03
Date Approved: July 26, 2000
Dates Amended: November 26, 2003, January 17, 2018
Dates Reviewed: 2003, 2009
Reporting Requirement: Annual Reporting
Legislative Authority: Section 29 of the Adequacy Standards Regulation
Policy Statement
The Regional Municipality of York Police Services Board (‘the Board’) acknowledges that York Region is one of the most diverse regions in Canada.
The Board supports ongoing efforts to promote safety and security of the citizens of the Region. Through this policy, the Board is committed to ensuring that occurrences of hate/bias-motivated crimes and hate propaganda are investigated and dealt with in the most expeditious and effective manner possible. The Board further commits to ensuring that the prevention of such occurrences is a priority for York Regional Police.
The Chief of Police shall comply with the requirements in this policy in directing the York Regional Police.
1. Application and Scope
1.1 This policy applies to the Chief of Police and members of York Regional Police.
2. Purpose
2.1 Police resources and expertise shall be allocated to responding to, investigating and preventing hate/bias-motivated crimes and hate propaganda in York Region.
2.2 The Chief shall commit to keeping the community informed and up-to-date on hate/bias-motivated occurrences and the status of investigations.
3. Statutory Authority
3.1 Section 29 of the Adequacy Standards Regulation requires a Police Services Board to have policies on investigations into hate propaganda and hate/bias-motivated crimes.
4. Definitions
4.1 Hate propaganda is defined in the Criminal Code of Canada as any writing, sign or visible representation that advocates or promotes genocide against any identifiable group, communicating statements in any public place which incite hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace, and communicating statements, other than in private conversation, that willfully promote hatred against any identifiable group.
4.2 Hate/bias-motivated Crime refers to any criminal offence committed, solely or in part, against an individual or his or her property that is motivated by hate/bias or prejudice based on race, national or ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression or any other similar factor.
5. Policy Guidelines
5.1 The Board will not ignore or tolerate hate propaganda or hate/bias-motivated crimes.
5.2 The Board supports York Regional Police in its efforts to prevent the occurrences of hate propaganda and hate/bias-motivated crimes and to counter the activities of organized hate groups in the community.
6. Responsibilities of the Chief of Police
6.1 The Chief of Police shall ensure that community organizations, school boards, victims' organizations, social services agencies, and the media are informed about YRP procedures for investigating, countering and preventing hate propaganda occurrences and hate/bias-motivated crimes.
6.2 The Chief of Police shall ensure that the York Regional Police works where possible, with community organizations, school boards, victims’ organizations, and social service agencies to respond to hate propaganda occurrences, to prevent the occurrence and repetition of hate/bias-motivated crimes and to counter the activities of organized hate groups in the community.
6.3 The Chief of Police shall develop and maintain procedures that require that investigations into hate propaganda be undertaken and managed in accordance with the criminal investigation management plan of York Regional Police.
6.4 The Chief of Police shall develop and maintain procedures on and processes for undertaking and managing investigations into hate propaganda and hate/bias-motivated crimes and shall ensure procedures on investigations into hate propaganda and hate-motivated crimes remain current with case law, inquests, inquiry findings, and amendments to related legislation.
6.5 The Chief of Police shall ensure that all officers are provided with information and training on hate propaganda and hate/bias-motivated crimes. The Chief of Police shall also ensure that officers investigating hate propaganda or hate/bias-motivated crimes have the knowledge, skills and abilities to undertake these investigations.
6.6 The Chief of Police shall ensure that York Regional Police works with other law enforcement and government agencies and with community stakeholders to respond to hate propaganda and hate/bias-motivated crimes and the activities of organized hate groups.
6.7 The Chief of Police or designate shall meet with victims and concerned community groups to answer questions and inform them of the actions of York Regional Police in relation to the investigation and prevention of hate/bias-motivated crimes.
6.8 The Chief of Police shall assign responsibility to investigate hate propaganda occurrences to the dedicated unit that investigates hate/bias-motivated crime.
7. Reporting Requirements
7.1 The Chief of Police shall report to the Board annually on the number of hate propaganda and hate/bias-motivated crimes in York Region.
7.2 The Chief of Police shall report on the effectiveness of prevention strategies related to hate propaganda and hate/bias motived crimes.
7.3 The Chief of Police shall inform the Board of any exceptional activity or increase in hate crimes in York Region as required.
7.4 The Chief of Police shall report to the Board annually on compliance with this policy.
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